Thursday, October 9, 2008

Family Home Evening Activity #2/Lesson A, Earthquake Preparedness

Family Home Evening Preparedness Activity/ Earthquakes

Lesson A


Home Safety – During an Earthquake

There is no preparation plan that can eliminate all earthquake danger. You can, however, greatly reduce damage and injury by securing your home beforehand.

· Prior to Family Home Evening

Adult family members should be familiar with the lesson. Prior preparation might include gathering necessary tools to complete tasks or other items such as storage containers for toxic chemicals or medications. Parents should select those things they will do on the list which are age appropriate to their children.

· Activity

1. Discuss with family what happens in an earthquake. Describe the shaking motion and the damage it can cause. Reassure them that this lesson is to help your home and family members avoid the accidents this type of disaster can cause.

2. Give each family member a paper and pencil and tell them they are now safety detectives who will hunt down any areas of the home that might be compromised by an earthquake. Send them out individually or as teams. After 10 minutes, return and report your findings to the family.

3. Have family members help out with correcting problems they see and also any selected items you have from the home hazard hunt list. Older children can accomplish some of these tasks on their own.

· Follow Up

Fill out the action list and complete each task. These could be assigned to family members, but be sure to calendar a completion date for each and follow through with assignments. Use younger children when possible to help with tasks, it will help alleviate their fear and anxiety to be part of the family preparations.

There is no preparation plan that can eliminate all earthquake danger. But you can greatly reduce damage and injury by securing your home beforehand.

Earthquake Safe Home Hazard Hunt

Date completed: ___/___/___ Date of next review: ___/___/___

Put a check mark by the following items that are completed. On the next page note those that are not completed and state the specific action/tools required to correct each problem.

Move beds away from large windows and out from underneath hanging lights.

Do not place beds near heavy mirrors, large pictures, bookcases, or shelves.

Use light, non-breakable lamps on bedside tables.

Remove all heavy or breakable objects from high shelves.

Hang plants in light, non-breakable pots.

Use closed hooks for all hanging plants, lamps, and other suspended objects

Make sure all hooks for hanging objects are securely attached to studs.

Use earthquake-proof picture hooks to secure all heavy wall hangings such as mirrors and pictures to walls.

Secure all cabinets with strong latches that will not open during an earthquake (magnetic latches usually aren’t strong enough).

Remove all glass bottles from bathroom medicine cabinets and put them in drawers or in a cabinet that is strongly latched. Remove all glass containers around the bathtub.

Move all flammable materials away from any heat sources. Store gasoline in vapor-proof containers. Keep them away from your water storage and out of the reach of children and pets.

Move heavy objects away from exit routes.

Secure all wheeled objects so they cannot roll.

Firmly attach all tall, heavy furniture such as bookshelves and china cabinets to wall studs.

Use flexible connectors where gas lines meet appliances (stoves, water heaters, and dryers).

Securely attach all heavy appliances such as water heaters, refrigerators, and stoves to wall studs or the floor, and make sure air conditioners are well braced.

Secure electronic equipment (stereos, computers, etc.) and appliances (microwaves, toaster, etc.) which may slide off their cabinets by using double-stick tape or velcro-like fasteners, or provide a restraining edge on the cabinet or shelf.

Secure all roof tiles. Remove or replace any loose tiles or bricks from your chimney and roof.

Nail plywood to ceiling joists around the chimney to prevent bricks from falling through the ceiling and injuring people in the house and securely brace chimney to the building.

Make sure your house is firmly bolted to the foundation.

Remove dead or diseased branches from trees in your yard so they don’t fall on your house..

Move poisons, toxins, or solvents (especially those in breakable containers) to a safe, well-ventilated storage area. Secure all poisons, toxins and solvents.

Store ammonia and bleach in different locations. If these liquids mix, they create toxic fumes.

Place pesticides, gasoline, paint thinners, etc. on the floor, on a low shelf with a guard rail, or in a locked cabinet that is securely fastened to the wall. Close lids tightly on all containers.


□ Top-heavy free standing furniture______________________________________________

(location and action required)

□ Heavy or breakable objects_______________________________________________________

(location and action required)

Hanging plants_________________________________________________________________

(location and action required)

Mirrors/heavy pictures___________________________________________________________

(location and action required)

□ Position of beds in relation to above________________________________________________

(action required)

□ Unsecured cupboard doors_______________________________________________________

(location and action required)

Poisons, toxics and solvents______________________________________________________

(location and action required)

□ Chimney and roof______________________________________________________________

(action required)

□ Exterior (tree limbs) ____________________________________________________________

(location and action required)

Utilities Flexible gas connections ______________________________________________

Electrical wiring ______________________________________________________

Access to shut off valves/switches_______________________________________

Flammable materials away from heat sources______________________________

(location and action required)

□ Water heater __________________________________________________________________

□ Electronic equipment____________________________________________________________

(location and action required)

□ Heavy appliances_______________________________________________________________

(location and action required)

□ Glass bottles in cupboards, glass objects on shelves___________________________________

(location and action required)

□ Other_________________________________________________________________________

(location and action required)

□ Other_________________________________________________________________________

(location and action required)

□ Other_________________________________________________________________________

(location and action required)

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